Integration Overview
Butter's integration with your tech stack depends on your subscription management tool.

Your subscription management tool is:
Third party (e.g. Recharge)
If you use a third party subscription management tool such as Recharge, Stripe Billing, or Braintree Billing, Butter’s integration is turnkey and requires no code from your developer team. To integrate:
Share developer access to your third party subscription management system
Generate the API key for Butter
Butter connects directly to your subscription management system and starts retrying your failed payments
Built in-house
If you manage your own subscription and billing processes in-house, we will collaborate with your team to integrate our standard APIs and webhooks into your system. This allows us to receive failed payment events and update your system upon recovery. To go live:
Integrate into Butter’s standard APIs and webhooks
Consult and certify with your dedicated Butter solutions engineer
QA test and go live with Butter’s recovery solution