For companies with $100M+ ARR
For companies with $1M-$99M ARR
Reduce chargebacks and disputes
Your payment recovery strategy needs a boost from machine learning
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Top 5 payment trends for subscription businesses in 2025
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The latest from Butter
How Butter recovers 166%+ more lost revenue than traditional payment recovery
[eBook] 7 ways to stop failed payment and recover more revenue
Butter unveils 5 key payment predictions for 2025
Introducing Dispute by Butter: Prevent chargebacks and unlock savings
Butter earns Great Place To Work Certification
Key macro trends driving the modern subscription economy
Employee Spotlight: Lexie Ernst, Head of Product
5 must-know strategies to maximize BFCM revenue
Employee Spotlight: Kim Tran, Head of Legal
How to recover lost revenue from passive churn
3 Effective strategies for churn reduction in subscription businesses
Hairstory customer story
The ripple effect of Transaction Authorization Rates on profitability
Strategies for transforming failed payments into revenue recovery
Butter vs. Vindicia: Which is best for your business?
How CFOs can turn failed payments into a massive growth opportunity
Your customers deserve Butter
Butter vs. ProfitWell: Choosing the right payment recovery partner
Can’t my team handle failed payment recovery in-house?
Involuntary Churn - What is it and what can you do about it?
Assess your payment health and recover more lost revenue – here’s how
How long until you’ll see returns on Butter? 90 days (or less)
Improved payment health unlocks growth and reduces customer churn
Why customer retention is the gift that keeps on giving
How improving payment recovery reinforces your financial health
How to Use Machine Learning to Recover Failed Recurring Payments
Why addressing failed payments leads to higher customer retention
4 Tactics to Recover Failed Recurring Payments
Video Series: Acquisition in the Game of Retention - Playing the Game in Easy Mode
It’s the Data, Not the Customer: Why Recurring Payments Fail
Butter Raises $22M to End Accidental Payment Churn
Why every subscription company needs a Payment Intelligence Platform
What Is Passive Churn and What You Can Do About It.
In the fight against fraud, you’re likely losing your best customers